Saturday, June 19, 2004

once again, i listen to one inning, and the royals win 10-4 (again). it's like at last year's chiefs-colts playoff game -- the chiefs were down, i get up to go to the restroom, and dante hall immediately returns a kick for a touchdown. when i got back to my seat, everyone behind me tried to kick me back out to the concourse. well, don't you try that now! i promise, until they stop winning 10-4, i'll keep my mouth shut. which, fortunately, won't be too hard, since i'll be away from the computer altogether the next couple of days. but i'll be able to watch the games while i'm away, due to the place i'm staying having, uh, "cable" (not that i would know what that is). the only drawback is that i can't do the "mute the tv, listen to the radio announcers" routine like i would at home (were i able to watch the all), as the delay between the words and pictures drives everyone else nuts. how you can stand listening to the tv guys is beyond me, but after a couple more 10-4 poundings this weekend, i'm sure i'll be able to overlook it..

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